Rates for cupping are the same as for a massage & can be incorporated as part of the massage session.
Chinese Fire Cupping & Massage Cupping
Chinese fire cupping uses glass cups that are placed on the body after a flame is produced inside the cup to remove the air in order to create a vacuum and pull the tissue into the cup. The negative pressure created by this technique causes stagnant blood and chi to move.
The effect is similar to a deep tissue massage in that circulation is restored to tissue and muscles relax. It also reduces adhesions that restrict movement in the body. It is surprisingly effective and enjoyable. However, depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment and the practitioner, it can be an intense feeling. Also, the amount of stagnation, tight muscles, & pain in the client will determine the intensity to some degree. However, the therapy can be adjusted to reduce the intensity by adjusting the amount of suction.
When the session is over, you may notice circular markings on the skin in varying shades of pink to red or brown to purple. It is NOT a bruise, although that is what it looks like. A bruise is from DAMAGED tissue. This is from stagnant blood & toxins that were not circulating though the tissue, but trapped. Usually, the marks are darker with new clients, because there is more stagnation. These marks will fade gradually over the next hours, days, and sometimes weeks depending on your circulation and how much you marked initially.
The effect is similar to a deep tissue massage in that circulation is restored to tissue and muscles relax. It also reduces adhesions that restrict movement in the body. It is surprisingly effective and enjoyable. However, depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment and the practitioner, it can be an intense feeling. Also, the amount of stagnation, tight muscles, & pain in the client will determine the intensity to some degree. However, the therapy can be adjusted to reduce the intensity by adjusting the amount of suction.
When the session is over, you may notice circular markings on the skin in varying shades of pink to red or brown to purple. It is NOT a bruise, although that is what it looks like. A bruise is from DAMAGED tissue. This is from stagnant blood & toxins that were not circulating though the tissue, but trapped. Usually, the marks are darker with new clients, because there is more stagnation. These marks will fade gradually over the next hours, days, and sometimes weeks depending on your circulation and how much you marked initially.
Massage Cupping
Massage Cupping is a branch of cupping that uses a lighter suction and incorporates massage movements with the cups. Massage cupping can be used for cellulite reduction, pain relief, increasing blood & lymphatic circulation, improving skin texture, face lifting and swelling reduction.
Facial & Sinus Cupping
Facial cups are small bulb vacuums that stimulate blood flow and lymphatic circulation to help the body eliminate the toxins that have accumulated in the fluid within the tissues. With the therapists vigilance, these cups are unlikely to mark the skin. The gentle suction created with the facial cups increases the blood flow into the facial tissues and encourages collagen production while effectively reducing swelling and facial tension. Some of the immediate results noticed from this relaxing treatment are a significant reduction in sinus pressure and facial tension, noticeably decreased swelling, better functioning nasal passages, and a refreshed, lifted facial appearance. Long term results can be seen with a reduction in fine lines and eye bags, as well as noticeably firmer skin texture with regular treatments.